vemvem® is a fashion house with a multidisciplinary approach to Italian Greyhounds.

" your dog is still young "

Beneath the shining surface of toys lies a structure of rigidity, while within the intangible acts of play reside infinite freedom and possibility

An object contains its own inherent aesthetics within its form, existing with its own purpose and meaning. This goes beyond being a mere physical entity; it is intertwined with the emotions we feel as we gaze upon it

Between hope and reality, there is always a deep gap between hope and reality. Our dreams often deviate from the present reality, and that difference sometimes pushes us to the edge of a cliff. Hope, like a balloon floating high in the sky, seems within reach yet remains elusive, its existence clear, but the path to it distant and blurred.

Abstraction endures with unyielding presence despite its lack of form, harboring an inner void. It seems crafted as an eternal ideal, once symbolizing boundless freedom and infinite possibility, yet its meaning continually shifts under the scrutiny and reinterpretation of time


  1. Read more: A Rich Longing for Communion with Abundance
    A Rich Longing for Communion with Abundance

    A Rich Longing for Communion with Abundance

    Behind its soft, rich texture lies a delicate interplay between labor and nature. The quietude of cows grazing, the hands that draw milk, and the t...
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  2. Read more: Italian Greyhounds
    Italian Greyhounds

    Italian Greyhounds

    Italian Greyhound is the epitome of poetic elegance. Their refined contours and fluid movements resonate profoundly with our souls. Their ethereal ...
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  3. Read more: Living in Harmony with Nature
    Living in Harmony with Nature

    Living in Harmony with Nature

    Our philosophy of pursuing a natural life extends beyond just our Italian Greyhounds; it permeates every aspect of our lifestyle, including our ap...
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